====== ntpd ======
===== Information =====
ntpd will keep your system time current.
If your clock has a large offset, consider using ntpdate $HOST before starting to use ntpd
===== Procedure =====
- create ''/etc/ntp.conf'' and enter a time server:\\ server time.server.xxx
- set ''ntpd'' to start at boot by editing ''/etc/rc.conf'':\\ # ntpd
- run ''ntpdate'' to get the initial clock sync:\\ root@host# ntpdate time.server.xxx
- start ''ntpd'':\\ root@host# /etc/rc.d/ntpd start
===== Reference Links =====
* [[http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-ntp.html]]
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