====== VMware Time Issues ======
Some [[http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vmware_timekeeping.pdf|vmware timekeeping info]]
Sometimes, vmware guest OS's like to lose time like it's their job. There are a few ways to fix this, but here's what worked for me:
===== Slackware 12.2 Host =====
==== Centos 5.2 Guest ====
- Install the VMwareTools rpm
- On the host, edit the guest's *vmx file (e.g. %%/vmware/centos5.2/centos5.2.vmx%%), add: tools.syncTime = "TRUE"
tools.synchronize.tools.startup = "TRUE"
- Add the following to your kernel boot parameters: nosmp noapic nolapic
- Disable ''ntpd'': # /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 ntpd off
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