====== beryl======
These are some notes for compiling beryl on slackware
[[http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Gentoo|install notes for gentoo]]
compilation order:
- beryl-mesa (only if the following beryl doesn't compile)
- beryl-core
- beryl-dbus?
- beryl-plugins
- beryl-manager
- beryl-settings
- emerald
- emearld-themes
- heliodor/aquamarine (allows native gnome/kde themes)
Beryl-Plugins problem:
#X11R6 needs to be linked to X11R7 for beryl-plugins (it looks for libfontconfig
.something in /usr/X11R6 ....)\\
had to actually link /usr/lib/libfontconfig.* to /usr/X11R7/lib
Emerald problem:
needs libwnck (installed from dropline).\\
needs glitz (installed from dropline).
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