====== PlayGround ======
[[clustering talk]]
===== bug testing =====
===== Notes for unix =====
==== package building on solaris ====
- cd /tmp
- umask 22
- wget package
- extract package into /tmp
- run stem:\\ stem -add packageName-Version Dest -skiprcs -objs solaris9
\\ example: stem -add atk-1.18.0 X -skiprcs -objs solaris9
- go to the /src/DEST/packageName-Version directory
- copy the README.AcIS from the previous version's directory, and change applicable package version info
- follow the README.AcIS instructions to finish configuring
- after configure, diff -u ../oldVersion/config.h config.h | less to see if there are any major changes
- if no major changes, run make
- make the destination dir, /opt/packageName-Version
- chown jf659 /opt/packageName-Version
- chmod 2755 /opt/packageName-Version
- make sure umask 22
- make install
- cd /opt/packageName-Version
- strip binaries:\\ find -type f | xargs file | grep "stripped" |cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip
- chown -R root:staff /opt/packageName-Version
- tar the package (tar czf /tmp/packageName-Version.tgz /opt/packageName-Version
==== Linux conserver stuff ====
- connect to dill
- https://www1.columbia.edu/sec/acis/sy/systems-manual/Linux/hp_linux_console.html
- connect to shrimp, and run\\ sc -i unix check whelk
where "whelk" is the host you are checking
==== print from console ====
cat cubmail-4.diff |nenscript -2Gr -P watson7a
==== Active Directory/LDAP sync'ing ====
UMich does this
* [[http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200411/msg00359.html]]
* [[http://www.umich.edu/~dirsvcs/ldap/doc/guides/slapd/]]
==== Management Utils ====
* cfengine
* [[http://puppet.reductivelabs.com/]]
* [[http://www.zenoss.com]]
* [[http://rsug.itd.umich.edu/software/nefu/]]
===== CUIT Wiki Deployment Plan =====
- come up with short, unique, and descriptive namespace names for all the initial and potential groups using this wiki
- decide on how locked down the wiki is (can anyone with a cunix id log in, or only people with the CUIT affiliation?)
- setup the inital acl rules and test to ensure everything works as expected (can we create a wiki-test type user?)
- document the acl setup, and how to add new groups/permissions
- review currently installed plugins and see if we need to add any
- create standard usage recommendations
- namespace templates
- tagging
- general namespace organization
- user management
- group contacts
- create a mailing list of each group's primary wiki contact to notify of wiki maintenance etc. and to discuss plugins, wiki usage, feature requests, etc.)
- decide if we need group administrators (probably the same people who are the group contacts) with limited admin access (but would allow group admins to add users to their "owned" namespace)
- make it easy to access wiki syntax/usage information and examples
- create a user-editable (and generally user-answerable) wiki area for users to ask for help (basically like bulletin board)
- create a feature request page for general users (different from a group admin requesting a feature via the wiki mailing list)
- finalize pamacea authentication plugin (allow one to add users via the web-interface)
- theme the wiki to match either Columbia's or CUIT's webpage style
is a bunch
a thoughtbit is a cool thing
of white space to fill up
all this space here
to make the page scroll down
and down
and down
Friggity Frack is cool
====== thoughtbit ======
? thoughtbit
! The name of my really cool website.
? subdef
! test 2
? Definition Title
Multiple lines are possible
! Definition Description
? Definition Title1
? Definition Title2
! Definition Description1
! Definition Description2
! Definition Description3
? Subdefinition
! Description
! Back
? Again deeper
====== this is header test 1 ======
this is header test 1 text
===== header test 2 =====
header test 2 text
==== header test 3 ====
header test 3 text
now if I want this text under header test 2, I have to do
and back to header 1
===== header test 2b =====
header test 2b text
now imagine that I want this text under the "header test 1" header. it's not there. until...
this is a note
this is a warning
this is a tip
this is important
====== Training Notes ======
^ Various network servers ^^
^Server ^Notes ^
| //Alpha Domain and Exchange Servers//\\ Network storage (drives and Exchange) are backed up 3 times per day (I have to confirm that) ||
|cuit-exchange1.ais.columbia.edu |do NOT use "cached exchange mode" |
|cuit-exchange2.ais.columbia.edu |do NOT use "cached exchange mode" |
|c-app.ais.columbia.edu\CTSapps |Desktop Support "private" network drive |
|c-app.ais.columbia.edu\apps |standard "apps" network drive (a lot of our supported applications' installers are here) |
|c-usr.ais.columbia.edu\users |"G:\" drive - personal network storage |
|c-gp1.ais.columbia.edu\grp1 |Group1 shared network drive (either "H:\", "M:\", or "O:\") |
|c-gp2.ais.columbia.edu\grp2 |Group2 shared network drive (either "H:\", "M:\", or "O:\") |
|info.ais.columbia.edu\grp3 |Group3 shared network drive (either "H:\", "M:\", or "O:\") |
^\\ ^^
| //Non-Domain Servers// ||
|mail.columbia.edu |Cyrus IMAP and POP server |
|ldap.columbia.edu |not a completely standard ldap implementation - has problems with outlook |
^ Useful webpages ^^
^Page ^Notes ^
|//Alpha Domain and Exchange specific pages// ||
|[[http://outlook.cuit.columbia.edu]] |remote Exchange access and remote Domain/Exchange password reset |
|[[https://maltsweb.cuit.columbia.edu]] |Desktop Support information - chargesheet submital, downloads, etc. |
|[[https://maltsweb.cuit.columbia.edu/dokuwiki/]] |Client Services internal Wiki (not fully implemented) |
^\\ ^^
|//General Columbia pages// ||
|[[http://uni.columbia.edu]] |uni password reset and other uni settings |
|[[http://ingo.columbia.edu]] |email forwarding/Cyrus email filtering (using sieve filtering) |
|[[http://my.columbia.edu]] |HR related resources (view your paycheck and benefits) |
|[[http://cubmail.cc.columbia.edu]] |webmail interface to Cyrus |
|[[http://switchmgr.cc.columbia.edu]] |view network switch information |
|[[http://remedy.cc.columbia.edu]] |web-based remedy (not particularly great...) |
|[[http://www.columbia.edu/acis/software/email.html]] |Public-facing email configuration documentation |
* Do a new computer installation (insert link to Windows XP Domain setup instructions)
* Remedy
* networking tools for full-time employees:
* whither
* switchmgr
* domain password reset