tips on using multiple virtual screens in a terminal.
To start screen, type:
$ screen
To detach from screen (to return to your original terminal, without exiting screen), press:
Ctrl+A, D
To resume your detached screen session, type:
$ screen -x
To add a new “screen” to your session, press:
Ctrl+A, C
To see what “screens” you have open, press:
Ctrl+A, W
To switch between screens, press:
Ctrl+A, Screen # (Screen # = 0, 3, etc.)
To give your currently selected screen a name, press:
Ctrl+A, Shift+A
If one of your screen sessions seems hung/unresponsive, it is usually caused by pressing Ctrl+S (which turns flow control to XOFF). To fix this (set it back to XON), press Ctrl+Q