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Print View

This page has some info on my printview modification.

I have created a template (in /var/www/doku-include/lib/tpl) called bitwiki that includes an “extrabutton.php” file, which contains a framework for customized buttons, as well as including the print view button in my theme. - 28 Nov 2006


This mod adds a “Print view” button to your wiki, next to the “Show page/Edit this page” and “Old revisions” buttons.


bitwiki.tar.bz2 - 2006 Nov 28 2:12am


This is how i set it up:

  1. I had to change a few dokuwiki source files (in /var/www/doku-include/inc):
  2. Next I had to create a new theme or edit the default theme (I only had to add two lines):

How To Use

Simply install the modification, and the printview button will appear for use.