Create a cyrus account

create account

  1. create account/password
    root@bender:/home/john# saslpasswd2 -c USER
  2. create mailbox
    root@bender:/home/john# cyradm --user admin localhost
    localhost> cm user.chowndr
    localhost> sq user.chowndr 100000
  3. create sieve directory
    john@bender:~$ sieveshell --user=mandie --authname=mandie
    connecting to
    Please enter your password: 
  4. activate a sieve script
    > activate std
    > list
    std  <- active script
    > quit

change password

root@bender:/home/john# saslpasswd2 USER
linux/server/cyrus_add_user.txt · Last modified: 2009/11/28 14:21 by john
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