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    1. you must recompile selinux-policy with a newer version (on centos)
    2. use the find -exec loop to import the Base repo:
      find . -type f -iname \*.rpm -exec echo "rpm: {}" \; -exec rhnpush --server localhost -u jfriar -p PASSWORD --channel centos6-x86_64 {} \;
    3. a few edits in cobbler for using eth1 ip instead of eth0
    4. need a dhcp server (haven't tried to use cobbler for this)
    1. edit /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/default.ks
    2. run:
      cobbler check
    3. cheetah, the cobbler kickstart templating engine
    1. need to install some local rpms
    2. need to import keys:
      rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/Centos-*
    3. add channel subscriptions in spacewalk for client

gpg stuff


linux/server/spacewalk.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/20 12:56 by john
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