
hello, and welcome to my slackware linux page.

this is how I got my slackware box setup, and keep it updated.

i run fluxbox 0.9.12, linux kernel, Xorg 8.6.2, and the official ati drivers (heavily patched so they actually work, version 8.12.10) on my watercooled system.

on my new home pc (2.8ghz Intel Dualcore), i'm running dropline-gnome 2.12.2, kernel, Xorg 8.6.2, ati drivers version 8.19.10 (vanilla drivers).

at work i run dropline-gnome 2.12.2 and kernel

as you can see, i'm slowly updating this page. i still plan to add a section on setting up my bluetooth microsoft explorer mouse, and then start getting into more nitty gritty server stuff.

to add: dropline-gnome, snort, checkinstall, bluetooth, linux links, wireless stuff

linux/slackware/main.txt · Last modified: 2006/11/29 02:22 (external edit)
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