Photo Editing Stuff

Scan Photo


  1. Clone Stamp
    • for clean-up of specks and whatnot
  2. Curves
    1. lightest
    2. darkest
    3. medium
  3. Filters→Sharp→Unsharp Mask
    • usually around 100-125%
  4. Color Balance
    • can adjust for curves coloration
  5. Levels
    • adjust for extreme dark/light type stuff, and adjust midtones
  6. Brightness/Contrast
  7. Hue/Saturation

Contact Sheet

  • batch create a contact sheet (thumbnails) from original sized images:
    $ montage *.JPG -geometry 200x133+2+2 contact_sheet.jpg
mac/photo_editing.txt · Last modified: 2009/10/18 23:20 by john
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