UseMod Wiki Syntax conversion to DokuWiki

I have written a php page and a bash/perl script to help facilitate converting UseMod Wiki pages to DokuWiki pages. FIXME add links to bash, perl, UseMod, and DokuWiki in the previous sentence

PHP Web conversion

You can find my UseMod to DokuWiki php script here. It is straightforward to use: simply paste in the UseMod Wiki syntax code into the textbox area, and click submit. Then copy the generated code into your desired DokuWiki page.


  • This script does not currently convert tables or quotes (I'm not sure if UseMod supports them…).
  • This will not convert embedded UseMod images properly - they will just show up as regular links.

Please post any additional limitations.

CUIT Specific rules

We are using double **'s in some of our pages to denote modification/creation dates in the wiki syntax. This conflicts with DokuWiki's bold syntax (which is **text to bold**).

To work around this, the php script will convert:

     (\s)(\*\*)([^\*]) [space**notAsterisk]


     \s-[^\*] [space-notAsterisk]

In order for this work-around to function, I had to set bold tags to #**#, then match the **'s, then clean up the bold tags.

Bash/Perl Script

Here is the code to my bash/perl script:


  • This script does not currently convert tables or quotes (I'm not sure if UseMod supports them…).
  • This will not convert embedded UseMod images properly - they will just show up as regular links.

Please post any additional limitations.

The Code

#! /bin/sh
# UseMod Wiki to Dokuwiki Converter
# by John Friar jfriarNOTDOTcolumbiaNOTATedu
# Licence: GPL (
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
	echo "Usage: $0 UseModFilename.txt or *.txt\n"
# Headings
perl -pi -e 's/^======([^\=]+)======/=$1=/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^=====([^\=]+)=====/==$1==/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^====([^\=]+)====/===$1===/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^===([^\=]+)===/====$1====/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^==([^\=]+)==/=====$1=====/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^=([^\=]+)=/======$1======/g' $*
# unordered lists
perl -pi -e 's/^\*\*\*\*\s/        \* /g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^\*\*\*\s/      \* /g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^\*\*\s/    \* /g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^\*\s/  \* /g' $*
# ordered lists
perl -pi -e 's/^####\s/        - /g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^###\s/      - /g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^##\s/    - /g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/^#\s/  - /g' $*
# links
perl -pi -e 's/([^\[])(\[)([^\]])(\])([^\]])/$1\[$2$3$4\]$5/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/([^\[])(\[http)/$1\[$2/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/([^\]]\])([^\]])/$1\]$2/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/(\[\[http[^\s]+)\s/$1\|/g' $*
perl -pi -e 's/(\[\[http[^\n])\n/$1\|/g' $*
# bold, italic
perl -pi -e "s/'''/**/g" $*
perl -pi -e "s/''/\/\//g" $*
# definitions (you need the explain plugin)
perl -pi -e 's/\;([^\:]+)\:(.*)/\? $1\n\! $2\n\n/g' $*
# <br>'s
perl -pi -e 's/\<br\>/\\\\ /g' $*
exit 0
plugin/usemodconvert.txt · Last modified: 2006/11/30 19:07 by john
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