46 inch LCD TV information

Sony KDL-46S2010

This is dad's tv.


Sony KDL-46V2500

This is a 2006 model. An upgrade to the Bravia line, introducing 1080p resolution to it. Supposedly improved backlighting and some other new features.


Sony KDL-46S3000

This is apparently the successor to the 2010 - not a superb review, missing lots of features (notably the missing ability to fine-tune color temperature)

Sony KDL-46XBR2

In here mostly for reference. It used to have a cnet editor's choice award, but has since lost it's title due to stiffer competition

These were in boxes on the floor of the Pricemad store.

tv/46inch_lcds.txt · Last modified: 2007/06/26 00:55 by john
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