
This is my project page for maintaining Beagle and all it's dependencies.

Currently the following packages are required FIXME add links:

  • sqlite3 3.3.8
  • gsf-sharp 0.8.1
  • wv 1.2.4
  • gmime (included by DLG now)
  • nautilus - just recompile with DBS, and beagle support will be enabled (after installing beagle, of course)
  • yelp?
  • beagle 0.2.14

2006/12/22 12:47 John Friar
2006/12/22 12:51 John Friar
2006/12/22 12:34 John Friar
2006/12/22 19:57 John Friar
linux/slackpkg/beagle.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/22 20:03 by john
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