Slackware Packages

ipw3945 - current version: 1.2.0

Beagle - i don't remember what version is actually current right now

Xorg-7.1 - current version: 7.1.1-5www

ndiswrapper - no longer maintaining this, I don't use it anymore (using ipw3945 instead)

You can actually find a TON of slack packages in the following locations:

2006/12/22 12:31 John Friar
2007/01/08 23:04 John Friar
2007/01/04 10:13 John Friar
2006/12/22 12:47 John Friar
2006/12/22 12:51 John Friar
2007/03/03 18:31 John Friar
2006/12/02 14:34 John Friar
2006/12/22 12:34 John Friar
2006/12/22 19:57 John Friar
linux/slackpkg.txt · Last modified: 2007/04/14 20:21 by john
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